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St. John's National School, Ballisodare, Co. Sligo


19th Mar 2024
We are getting excited for our Jumble and Cake Sale which is happening this Thursday,...
17th Mar 2024
Bhí Lá Glas againn ar scoil an Aoine seo caite agus an-lá a...
15th Mar 2024
Well done to the boys and girls who represented our school at the FAI 5 aside soccer...
15th Mar 2024
5th class also went to the Fr. Peyton Centre in Attymass for their retreat this week.It...
14th Mar 2024
The boys and girls of sixth class preparing for their Confirmation spent a lovely...
14th Mar 2024
Bhain Rang 5 agus Rang 6 sult as Tráth na gCeist de chuid Seachtain na Gaeilge...
14th Mar 2024
Here in St. John's N.S., we have a Two Year PE Plan for the whole school. This allows...
14th Mar 2024
Pupils from 5th and 6th Class have volunteered as Playground Leaders for the school...
12th Mar 2024
Maith sibh rang a 3 agus rang a 4 as páirt a ghlacadh i Seachtain na Gaeilge...