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St. John's National School, Ballisodare, Co. Sligo

Delphi in the Sun, 🌞☀️😎

8th Jun 2023

Yesterday morning, we in Room 9, headed off on our 6th class overnight school tour to Delphi. We arrived to school loaded with bags, pillows and treats!! Our end of year hoodies were left on our desks and we put them on immediately. Ms. Curley spoke to us before we left reminding us how lucky we were to be heading off for the night. We were all sooo excited.


The bus trip over was long but fun. We sang some of the good golden oldies, like the Wheels on the Bus😂🚌.

We arrived in Delphi around one and were given our rooms for the night. All the boys were in one room and all the girls in another.

We met the instructors and they talked us through our next 24 hours. Our first activity was the Bog Challenge. We wore wetsuits and helmets. It was great fun but we were covered in muck. Even after showering some of us still had muck on our faces. 😁

We then headed to the Grub Hub for our dinner and after we went on a forest walk with Mike our instructor. We had great time.

We got back to the hostel and had some free time before it was lights out. We met other pupils from other schools and made some new friends. 

It was a hot night and some of us found it hard to sleep, also the criac was too good to just go to sleep.

This morning we were called at 7.00am. We had to clean out our rooms and move our bags out. We had breakfast after. We met up with Mike again and he brought us out to do some archery. It was great fun, we played games similar to dodgeball. Following that we went orienteering. Our energy levels were dropping at this stage but most of us managed to finish the course. 

Before we headed back for Ballisodare we had lunch. We played a few games while we waited for the bus to arrive. 

All in all we had a blast. It was definitely one of the best school tours we have ever been on. We are all exhausted now😴🥱